Life Transitions

In-person sessions in Colorado Springs; virtual therapy anywhere in Colorado.

“Literally everything is a life transition if you think about it.”

– Katie Pasqualetto, LPC

Change doesn’t give a crap about your plans.

Life’s got a wicked sense of humor, doesn't it?

Maybe you're packing yet another moving box, bracing for a new school where no one knows your name—again. Or you’re fresh out of college, degree in hand, realizing you'd rather eat glass than do what you just spent four years studying.

Whether you’re going from "in a relationship" to "it's complicated," navigating the shock of turning the big 4-0 post-divorce, or wondering if there's more to retirement life than early bird specials, every life chapter comes with its own brand of chaos.

Imagine a future where change feels like opportunity, not a crisis.

Imagine feeling grounded even when everything around you is in flux.

Instead of dreading transitions, you're spearheading your next big life chapter.

Thrive through changes, whether it’s embracing single life with a killer apartment and even better social life, or finding passion in a career you didn’t study for but totally rock at.

It's about turning "What now?" into "What next?"—finding excitement in the uncertainty and owning your choices like a boss.

A little guidance can go a long way.

I didn’t follow the straight-and-narrow to get here—I took the scenic route with all the wrong turns, pit stops, and a few detours.

I’ve messed up, course-corrected, and survived enough life transitions to know they’re not just bumps in the road; they’re the road.

I’m the therapist who’s been through the ringer and come out stronger, and I’m ready to help you do the same.

Who This Type of Therapy is for…

The grad who’s realizing they just majored in “Advanced Unemployment.”

The newly single 40-something who’s ready to swipe right but can’t even figure out how to download Tinder.

The retiree who thought they’d be sipping margaritas on the beach but now misses having a reason to get up before noon.

The military brat who’s tired of hearing “You’ll make new friends!” for the 12th time this decade.

Anyone staring down life’s next chapter and thinking, “Seriously, what now?”

Thrive in whatever comes next.