Katie Pasqualetto, LPC

In-person sessions in Colorado Springs; virtual therapy anywhere in Colorado.

“Therapy is not about fixing. It’s about growth and thriving.”

– Katie Pasqualetto, LPC

→ Plant-a-holic

→ Favorite colors: green and yellow

→ Chick-Fil-A addict

→ Outdoorsy(ish) - I like to camp but also love a good hotel

→ Love to travel – I’ve been to 22 countries and counting …

→ Avid audiobook listener

→ Introvert that plays an extrovert

→ Popcorn fiend

→ Harry Potter fanatic

I didn’t exactly take the straight-and-narrow to get here.

But all those twists and turns made me the therapist I am today.

I’m not just talking the talk—I’m a therapist who goes to therapy, because I know firsthand that navigating life’s messiness can be tough and it’s such a game-changer to have some guidance along the way.

I’m that therapist who believes healing doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom.

Yes, we’ll dive into the deep stuff, but I’ll also bring some humor and lightness into the room.

Clients say I make them think about things differently and challenge them in ways that feel safe.

They call me “The Feelings Guru,” becauseI’ll help you tackle the tough stuff and actually find some relief—without making it feel like a chore.

What Makes Me Qualified

→ Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)

→ Former School Counselor

→ Masters of Art in Human Services & Counseling (University of Colorado, Colorado Springs)

→ Bachelor of Science in Sociology (University of Colorado, Colorado Springs)

Let’s get to work.