Anxiety-Ridden People

In-person sessions in Colorado Springs; virtual therapy anywhere in Colorado.

“It's okay to not have the answers for tomorrow, but where are you right now?”

– Katie Pasqualetto, LPC

Welcome to Anxiety Anonymous.

Feeling like your mind is a tangled web of worst-case scenarios about everything from missing a call to fearing a meteor might hit?

If choosing an ice cream flavor sends you spiraling, or you find yourself rehearsing simple conversations hours before they happen, you're in the right spot.

It’s the 3 a.m. wake-ups soaked in worry about things you can’t control—from climate change to that awkward interaction five years ago.

You’re playing mental chess every day, and it's exhausting.

'Calm' shouldn’t feel like a mythical concept.

Imagine walking into a party and not mapping out the emergency exits within the first five minutes.

Picture a life where your brain isn't on perpetual high alert, where "what if" isn't part of your everyday vocabulary.

Think about days filled with genuine smiles, not just the ones you plaster on to hide the panic.

Let's redefine what normal feels like for you—where your mental state isn’t a barrage of worries but a serene landscape ready for new experiences.

Dive into therapy at ‘The Place Where What-ifs Go to Die.’

I’m your certified guide through the anxiety jungle.

And trust me, I’ve paced the same worry-riddled paths: is planet earth going to hell in a handbasket, are my houseplants silently judging me, etc. etc. etc.

I get the whole overthinking parade because I've led it.

Together, we’ll transform those nagging what-ifs into why nots, turn dread into anticipation, and teach you to meet uncertainty with a confident smirk.

Who This Type of Therapy is for…

Perpetual worriers haunted by the endless "what ifs" of daily life.

The midnight Googlers diagnosing themselves with every ailment known to the internet.

Perpetual planners who have contingency plans for their contingency plans.

Social strategists who exhaust themselves planning every interaction to avoid embarrassment.

The indecisive souls staring at menus for ages, haunted by the terror of choosing the wrong sandwich.

Future-trippers who are always living in the next disaster, missing out on the now.

Self-flagellating perfectionists, turning a missed typo into an existential crisis.

Let's trade anxiety for chill, calm, confidence.