Your own personal ‘Feelings Guru,’ here to help you find answers to all your ‘What if’s.’

In-person sessions in Colorado Springs; virtual therapy anywhere in Colorado.

Welcome to the ‘what if?’ wonderland.

What if I don’t fit in? 

What if they think I’m a fraud? 

What if I bomb this presentation, get fired, and end up living in my parents' basement? 

What if I never find love again and die alone with my cat in a pile of half-empty wine bottles? 

Whether you’re fresh out of college with a diploma and zero game plan, suffocating in your 9-to-5, or navigating midlife upheavals like divorce or retirement, the anxiety is real.

It’s time to transform those nagging 'what ifs' into emphatic 'why nots.'

Picture yourself walking into that job interview with a sense of calm, knowing that whatever happens, you’ve got this.

Imagine finally feeling like you’re living your life on your own terms—not your parents', not society's, but yours.

From quitting the soul-sucking job to finding the courage to ask for what you really want in a relationship, or just waking up without that pit in your stomach, therapy can help you get there.

This isn't your grandma’s therapy session.

Therapy with me isn’t about sitting on a couch while I nod along and take notes.

It’s about getting real, rolling up our sleeves, and figuring out what’s really going on in that brilliant, overworked brain of yours.

We’re not going to follow some outdated script that tells you how you “should” live your life.

Instead, we’ll figure out what you actually want, and then we’ll work together to make it happen.

My Specialties

  • The Lost Young Adult:

    Feel like everyone else has a roadmap but yours got lost in the mail? Let’s untangle your aspirations from societal expectations and carve out a path that’s genuinely yours.

  • Anxiety-Ridden People:

    Fed up with your mind's endless doom scroll? Let’s find your calm amidst the chaos, transforming spirals of doubt into moments of clarity and resolve.

  • Therapy for Life Transitions:

    From school to the real world, from full houses to empty nests—every shift is a plot twist. Let’s navigate these chapters, turning upheaval into opportunity.

My methods:

We’ll tailor therapy to fit you—whether that’s using Solution-Focused strategies to get you unstuck, Narrative Therapy to help you rewrite your story, or CBT to tackle those nasty thoughts that keep you up at night. We might throw in some DBT and IFS for good measure, but it’s all about what works for you, not some textbook version of therapy.

What healing looks like:

  • Finally evicting that overthinking gremlin in your brain and living in the moment you’re in.

  • Making decisions without turning it into a week-long existential crisis. No more asking the barista if you’re really sure about that latte.

  • Finding joy in the little things—like savoring your morning coffee without questioning every life choice since high school. 

  • Kicking perfectionism to the curb and embracing your flaws like they’re your quirky best friends.

  • Drawing boundaries. And, yes, you can say “no” to your sister’s latest pyramid scheme pitch. 

  • Taking risks and knowing that you’ll be okay, no matter what happens.

Hey, I’m Katie Pasqualetto, LPC—your partner in navigating life’s messiest chapters.

I didn’t follow the beaten path—I stumbled, tripped, and found my way through a mess of bad decisions, unexpected turns, and more student loans than I care to admit.

But I found my way, and I’m here to help you find yours.

Let’s figure out what really makes you tick and start living a life that feels true to you.

What if … we start finding answers today?!